
Story: FANTO SAMAKE a créé son entreprise d’élevage grâce à sa participation au projet DABA KAMALEN, « La Radio, la Vidéo et les TICS pour l'initiation à l’entreprenariat agricole des Jeunes au Mali » Country Forum

Cette Histoire de bonne pratique radiophonique s'est deroulée  dans la zone de Fana, située a120 km à l'Est de Bamako.  Musique d’intro de l’émission Résumé de l’histoire de Fanto Samaké more

Story: Shave, Haircut and a Video

In small towns in Malawi, young men who want to start their own ICT business are teaming up with the unlikeliest of partners, including barbers. The entrepreneurs are almost always men in their 20s or even teens. Most have some schooling and can... more

Story: How we attracted audience and got 35% new Likes on FCA Facebook page in a week.

This is an important lesson learned from our Innovation competition organized recently. more

Story: • Ségou Fali, où le récit du sauvetage d’un âne vert en voie de disparition…. Country Forum

Ici au Jitumu comme partout ailleurs au Mali, les agriculteurs ont du mal à  réaliser l’urgence de la nécessité de protection de notre patrimoine végétale contre les dangers d’appauvrissement et de disparition qui le guette. more

Story: Consumers… Please stop being picky!

The variety of food on the supermarket shelves make today’s world “chooser-friendly”. When I want to buy tomatoes, for example, I’m always looking for the perfect ones (shiny, round, dark red, with the green leaves on top). As consumers, we have a... more

Story: How informal agricultural traders capture and preserve customer loyalty

They may not advertise their products in the formal media, but informal agricultural traders have results-driven ways of capturing customer loyalty. Most of their skills have been honed over generations into unwritten intuitive laws that almost... more

Story: Sharing the Experience of Rural Life: A Wisdom Pot for the Modern World

Growing up on the farm, in the rural area, provides a unique life experience. You learn many life skills and lessons. It can be exciting but there are times that it can be challenging as well. more

Story: Launch of INGENAES Community of Practice (CoP) in Uganda

The Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) is currently partnering with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) University’s project on the Integration of Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (... more