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News: News: Building extension and advisory partnerships in Africa AFAAS Content
758 reads On January 14-15 2016, Dr Silim Nahdy, the executive director of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), and his technical team, visited CTA to discuss the evolution of African extension services and potential areas for partnership. With huge potential for ...more
Opportunity: Establishing a public-private partnership for creating an incubator and accelerator for youth and women-targeted businesses providing bundled services to rural farmers
The aim of the project is to create a network of franchised businesses offering bundled agricultural services that integrate knowledge products. ...more
Story: Story: Bill & Melinda Gates talk about the work they have done using Warren Buffett's money to their Foundation
Read the Story here: Dan Kisauzi's blog 509 reads Other Gender Innovation Other Partnerships Poverty Africa <a href="/users/dan-kisauzi" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more
News: News: U-Goats News Apr 2018
254 reads The April 2018 Newslwtter of the Uganda Goat Development Network (U-Goats) can be viwed here: Advisory Services Events and Proceedings Partnerships Value Chains Agricultural Extension Agriculture Livestock ...more
held at Mosa Court Suites plot 15 Shimoni Road Kampala, Central Region Uganda. For more information, Siya Aggrey Phone: +256784435801, Email: Beatrice Luzobe Phone: +256776801091, Email: Advisory Services Other Partnerships Agricultural Extension Agricultural ...more
News: News: FOSCAR-Mali et IFDC signe une convention pour la mise en Eouvre de TAAT au Mali
Practices Climate Change Data / Analysis Decentralisation Events and Proceedings Innovation Lessons / Synthesis Markets / Marketing Partnerships Seeds Soils Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension Agricultural Innovation Systems Agricultural Journalism Agricultural Research Agriculture Communication ...more
Story: Story: Social Enterprise Country Content AFAAS Content
Innovation Markets / Marketing Partnerships Poverty Services Value Chains Request AFAAS certification Request Country Forum certification Kenya <a href="/users/erick-ndane" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/users/erick-ndane" ...more
Story: Story: Concentrated chelate microfertilizer with biostimulant complex Country Content
Trials Food Security Innovation New Technology Partnerships Technology Request AFAAS certification Request Country Forum certification Africa <a href="/users/anton-solodovnyk" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more
News: News: Convention de partenariat: Radio Jitumu & Groupe Cibarani.
paysans du Jitumu vous en sauront éternellement gré. Agri_culturellement Vôtre ; Groupe Cibarani. Advisory Services Best Practices Partnerships Services Agricultural Extension Agricultural Journalism Agriculture Knowledge Management Lobbying and Advocacy @ Maison Radio-.JPG Maison Radio Jitumu@ Emission ...more
Resource: Resource: lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne
Proceedings Farmer First Field Trials Food Security Gender Innovation Institutional Reform Lessons / Synthesis M & E Markets / Marketing New Technology Organising and Managing Services Partnerships Policy Post Harvest Poverty Private Sector / SMEs Processing/Value Addition Research Seeds Services Soils ...more