
Resource: Agriculutral Financing

What is Agricultural Financing all About? more

Resource: Grain Storage Technologies for Smallholders and Farmers' Groups

Based on a survey of over 30 postharvest technologists, the Postharvest Loss Reduction Centre at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) developed an interactive catalogue of grain storage technologies for easy consultation. more

Resource: Banana Value Addition in Uganda

Harmony Nutri Foods Ltd adds value to bananas by bottling freshly squeezed banana juice commonly known as "omubisi" more

Resource: The Climate Change Adaptation and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - CHAI - Project Country Forum

Launched in January 2012, this 2-year-long project used a set of information and communication technology (ICT) tools to collect, analyse, and send out agricultural advisories, crop and livestock market information, and weather data to Ugandan... more