Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS)

To promote an effective, efficient and innovative AAES system through advocacy, capacity building, information sharing and increased professional development among AAES actors in Uganda.
About our Organization
UFAAS is the AFAAS Country Chapter in Uganda. UFAAS brings together a broad range of actors in AEAS from all sectors which include the Public sector, Academia, Private sector, Civil Society, Farmer Organizations, Donor Community and Media.We invite you to join our group to share information as well as start and participate in discussions that can take UFAAS and agricultural advisory services forward. The members so far include the following:
- Africa Innovations Institute -AFrII
- Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment
- Bukalasa Agricultural College
- Community Volunteer Initiative for Development (CVOID)
- Excel Hort Consult LTD
- Farm Radio Interantional Uganda
- Farmers Center LTD
- Food Rights Alliance
- Gayaza High School
- Heifer International
- Learn Enterprises Limited
- Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries- MAAIF
- Teso Tropical Fruit Cooperative Union- TEFCU
- Tororo District Farmers Association- TODIFA
- Volunteer Efforts for Development Concern- VEDCO
- World Agroforestry Center
Physical Address: Plot 22A Nakaseo Road
Contact Person: Beatrice Luzobe
Telephone: +256 776 801 091