Forum du Conseil Agricole a Madagascar

Lesson learning, Information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory services
About our Organization
The Forum du Conseil Agricole of Madagascar was launched in July 2014. Its apex governance organ is the General Assembly (GA) from which a Steering Committee (SC) (“Conseil d’Orientation”) is drawn. The SC is supported by a Secretariat (“Bureau de facilitation”) in implementing the decisions of the GA. The Secretariat is hosted by Farming & Technology for Africa – a member of the Forum. The forum has a three year Plan : 2014 to 2017, which has five components: Capacity strengthening, Collaboration and partnerships, Innovation and usage of new technology (ICT), Contribution and advocacy for CAADP & adequate policy, and Governance, finance and management. The member organizations include the following so far;
- Agriculteurs français et développement internationale- Afdi
- Agrisud International
- APADRA Itasy
- Association Ceffel : Conseil – Expérimentation – Formation en Fruits et Légumes
- Association DERAD
- Association des Jeunes Cadres pour la lutte contre la pauvreté et la sauvegarde de l’environnement (AJPSE)
- Association FANAMBINANA
- Association Fiavotra MADA
- Association Intercooperation Madagascar (AIM)
- Association MENDRIKA
- Association Nationale d’Actions Environnementales (ANAE)
- Association Professionnelle pour le Développement- AsProD
- Association Service de Préparation à la Vie FELANA
- CAP Malagasy (Conseil agricole de proximite)
- CAR Ihorombe
- CARITAS Madagascar
- Centre d’Appui et de Formation Professionalle Agricole (CAFPA)
- Centre de Formation des Techniciens Agricoles
- Centre de Service Agricole Mandridrano Miara-Mientana Soavinandriana
- Centre Technique Horticole d’Antananarivo (CTHA)
- Chambre d' agriculture Regionale/Tranoben'ny Tantsaha Regionale Amoron’i Mania (CAR/TTR)
Contact Person: Andrianjafy Rasoanindrainy
Physical Address: Farming & Technology for Africa
Telephone: +261 3311 325 10