Forum Béninois du Conseil Agricole (Benin forum for agricultural advisory services)

Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
About our Organization
The FoBeCa embraces the actors involved in extension and advisory services. The most important are the public extension service having a national system with networks spread all over the country which include, the NGO, the private sector and traders (input suppliers included), farmers organizations, academia, researchers, and donors. It is governed by an Interim Committee that comprises of a Chairperson, the Contact Person, Vice Chairperson, and an Organiser. Its Secretariat is hosted by Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques du Benin (FSA) - University of Abomey- Calavi (UAC).
Contact Person: Prof. Simplice Davo VODOUHE
Physical Address: Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques du Benin (FSA) - University of Abomey- Calavi (UAC).
Telephone: +229 95607868
+229 96691096