Looking for literature on Ugandan medicinal plants
February 1, 2016 - 10:40
SMS Problem ID: #b3jr
Answers: 2
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 10:43
Dan Kisauzi responded: 'You may find the book: Medicinal Plants of East Africa by J.O Kokwaro useful. Look for it here.'
AFAAS Support
February 1, 2016 - 10:44
You may contact Prof. J. A. Ekpere at: jaekpere@yahoo.com. He also refers you to African Union Scientific Technical and Research Commission (AU/STRC), Lagos/Abuja for this information.
Dan Kisauzi responded: 'You may find the book: Medicinal Plants of East Africa by J.O Kokwaro useful. Look for it here.'
You may contact Prof. J. A. Ekpere at: jaekpere@yahoo.com. He also refers you to African Union Scientific Technical and Research Commission (AU/STRC), Lagos/Abuja for this information.