Do you think the battle against postharvest losses in Africa can be won? You are invited to contribute to this debate by participating in the webinar series on; effectiveness, profitability, business opportunities, accessibility, acceptability and adoption of technologies and good practices for postharvest loss reduction. The webinars will feature specialized panelists on postharvest management. The key messages and insights will be shared on different platforms including the Global Community of Practice (CoP) forum on food loss and waste moderated by FAO, and the Virtual Networking Platform, the D-groups, Twitter, facebook moderated by AFAAS. The webinar series are organized by the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) backstopped by the Centre for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (AGRIDEA).
- The first webinar will take place on the 24th October 2017, with a focus on: Relevance of postharvest management and effective technology options. The main presenters are: Prof. Brighton. Mvumi, from the University of Zimbabwe, and Mr. Munhamo Chisvo, a FANRPAN consultant on Cost-Benefit Analysis of postharvest technologies. Please follow the link Registration Link AFAAS PHM Webinar 24.10.2017 to register for this webinar.
- The second webinar will take place on the 28th November 2017, and it will focus on: Technology options in practice– reasons for accessibility, acceptability and adoption. Please follow the link Registration Link AFAAS PHM Webinar 28.11.2017 to register for this webinar.
All the webinars will run for two hours starting at: 15:00 East African Time (13:00 West Africa, 14:00 Southern Africa)
For more information on the webinars, please contact Jerry on